Membership for 2025

The cost of membership is €30. If you have any issues with this form or payment please contact us on our Topper Ireland Facebook messenger

Please Note:
Championship numbers (Three digit 4XX numbers) are only required for the ITCA Topper Worlds and ITCA (GBR) Nationals.
These will only be issued to fully paid up members after they have registered for the Worlds or GBR Nationals.
Where possible Topper Ireland will endeavor to retain existing Championship numbers but this may not always be possible.

    Sailor Details

    Your city/town of residence

    e.g. N.Ireland/Ireland

    This should be the main sail number not the championship number

    Parent/Guardian Information

    Would you like to subscribe to update emails? By submitting this form you will still receive emails regarding your membership.

    Terms and Conditions

    The sailor must agree to these terms to apply for membership

    Parent/Guardian must agree to these terms to apply for sailor membership