Topper Ireland 2023 Calendar

The Topper Ireland 2023 Calendar is now finalised, we have a great set of events and venues lined up for Irish Toppers next year with the 2023 World Championships in Cork at its heart.Thanks to all the clubs who are hosting and I know there will be dozens of eager...

Topper Worlds 2023 Information

For those sailors considering or planning to attend the Topper Worlds in Cork 22-28 July 2023. The RCYC has its own hosting page with accommodation options and more information as it becomes available. 2023 Topper World...

RYANI Topper & ILCA4 Open Training

19-20th November 2023 The RYANI Open Training is open to sailors under the age of 16 in both Full & 4.2 Topper rigs and the ILCA 4 rig. It is aimed at those sailors who wish to develop their racing skills with in order to help them gain a good understanding of...

Reminder: Topper Ireland AGM 3rd Nov @8pm

The Topper Ireland AGM is this Thursday 3 November at 8pm via MS Teams.Can anyone who would like to attend please email the chair Andrew Dadley for an invite. As ever, we still need new committee members to put themselves forward to ensure...

The 2023 Topper Ireland Committee NEEDS YOU!

As their children progress out of Toppers, naturally several existing committee members are also looking to move on. Topper Ireland can only successfully continue with an influx of new members to the Topper Ireland committee and the time has come for new people to...